Monday 10 August 2009

Home for a rest!!!!

Wow, what a weekend, have just got back from Partylite Conference in Birmingham, 1000 women packed in to one room and lots of singing, screaming and dancing on chairs(and yes i did, even though i had said that i would never do that!!) Learnt lots of new things, Saw some beautiful new products and met lots of lovely people from all over the country. Have posted some pics of me dressed to the nines at the Gala Dinner Saturday night.

Right now of to pick up the other half of our tribe,

Have Fun

Tilly xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janye, woohoo, you've got a blog!!!
    Looks like you had a blast, going by the pics.
    Thanks for popping by my blog, yes i still do the crops, actually it was today. The next dates are 19th Sept, and 17th October, love to see you there again sometime.
    Hugs T x
