Sunday 22 November 2009


Whoops didn't realise it was so long since I had posted. It's been busy busy here as normal, Not had any time to craft and am having severe withdrawal symptoms, But today I had a lovely email telling me I had won a prize on the blog hop I did yesterday, Am so excited, I've never won anything from a blog before, can't wait to recieve the beautiful card made by Scrappyjacky Please go and take a peek at her blog, she is a very clever and creative lady. Thanks Jacky, can't wait to receive my card.

Have some new pics of the cat to share, Her new party trick is to take a flying leap at the back of the sofa then launch herself at the curtain and climb to the top, then hang there and look down very pleased with herself. Think I will have to buy some new nets though, but i'm going to wait till shes bored of her new trick!!!

And the last 2 are of the boys at Halloween we all went trick or treating and they loved it, Kalum was very impressed, he knocked on doors and people gave him chocolate, so now he keeps saying he's going trick or treacle tonight, Bless him.

Well thats me rambling done,

Take Care

Jayne xxx